Working Hard to get ready for Work
It was a real “work in progress” month in Class 4 as we focussed on employment readiness and pre-vocational skills. The class researched different careers that they would be interested in pursuing.
Each student received a role in a school that has become his job, containing a weekly paycheck and yearly salary, which gets added to his Atidaynu bank accounts. The pursuit of a career involves a lot of inner searching too. Each boy has talents that are unique to him alone, which he can offer to the world.
Hershy Fisch is using his creative talents to upgrade the bulletin boards in our school. Meyer Styller is in charge of gathering information from each teacher to place orders at Moishe’s supermarket, ensuring the school contains all its needed produce and goods. Shmuel Nierman and Jack Khouli have been updating our daily attendance board by making rounds to each class to record who is absent amongst the teachers and students. Our library has never been so organized due to our new librarian, Shimon Meltsin. As well, our supplies closet is in tip-top order thanks to Tzviki Rolnick’s ability to organize it and record what needs to be replenished.
The students also zoned in on a specific career of interest to them. They each researched their chosen job and presented on it.
The students were very excited to have a month of meeting professionals who came in to present about their specific careers. Career month began with a presentation by our teacher Yaakov’s brother, Rafi Brides, music producer and photographer, along with singer Dovid Perlman, who informed us about the perks and challenges of their jobs. We are very thankful to all those who came to our school to share about their jobs.
One of the most important qualities to be utilized in employment readiness is leadership skills. This month we are so excited to have been working on how to be a chazan at shul. Shmuel Nierman has been leading the Mincha prayer daily with his phenomenal voice! Keep it up Shmuel and fantastic job this month for all of Class 4!