Let It Snow, Let It Flow

Progress and Growth on the Snowy Days

By Abigail Pfhal

We are so proud of our students for making it through the first quarter! They all have been doing so well and making incredible strides in their learning. We have implemented a homework tracking board, a traffic light earning board, and a student of the week board. The students that complete their homework each day and end each day of school on the green have a chance to be the student of the week! So far, our lovely students, Mordechai, Eli, Stephen, and Miron have been our students of the week. They all earned a special prize for their hard work. Thank you to all of our students who are trying their very best! Keep up the amazing work and you too will be a student of the week in class one!


Recently in literature, we have been work- ing on the story “The Snowy Day”. The students have really been excited about this story and the various activities that we do in class such as sequencing, sorting, vocabulary, and listening comprehension. All the students have been doing exceptionally well. We are starting a new story soon called “If you give a mouse a cookie”. We will be focus- ing on sequencing, cause and effect, and doing many other fun activities.


In social studies, we have been learning about families! The students have learned about the different roles of each family member, how to be a responsible family member, and where they fit in their own family (youngest/oldest). As all of our parents know, we requested students bring in family pictures so that they could make their own mini-posters about them. We are going to be displaying our family posters on one of our bulletin boards in the classroom for all to see. They will be sent home once they are taken down to share with the family. It’s so obvious to the teachers in class one how loved all of our kids are at home. It brightens up ou day to see the pictures and to listen to the students speak about their families. Class one is flowing through each day and each student is progressing in al areas. We hope to continue the progress through the snowy days soon to come Thank you to all who made this quarte a great one!